Mike and Eric's Big Adventure
San Francisco to Santa Cruz
82 miles
4,718 ft. elevation gain
Words of the day: Flying into the wind
The alarm went off early and we grabbed our Lyft to the Cow Palace. Sleepy, excited, nervous, and so ready to ride!
The opening ceremony was outstanding, this year the riders, roadies, and everyone else raised:
WOW just WOW
We saddled up and rode out to cheering and waving crowds. Very emotional morning, excited, anxious, teary eyed, and hearts full as we left and hit the road.
Today we experienced stunning coastal views as we rode down CA Highway 1. Passing through Pacifica and Montera where we take our doggies every weekend to run and play. Lunch at San Gregorio beach, what a place! So beautiful! At Devils slide we were greeted with strawberries from the sisters of perpetual indulgence, yummy.
We had head winds all the way today. Made even riding down hills hard. Gorgeous day otherwise but the wind put us to the test. We made it all the way to Santa Cruz. Both of us a little surprised that we were able to ride so far. This was Mike’s personal best for miles ridden in one day. Felt great.
Our first day done, camp set up and we are so proud to be a part of this amazing event.
Mike and Eric